Using Wallpaper
Wallpaper is making a come back and it may be a vivid memory you have from your childhood home. Or a way to embrace your sense of personality and style.
How to Declutter Your Home!
As we all know it doesn’t take long for things to start piling on top of each other in our homes. It doesn’t take long and before we know it the clutter is out of control!
There are many different types of countertops to choose from, here's a list of a few and why they are good!
Vinyl vs Laminate Flooring
Both these products come off as durable, budget friendly and DIY friendly. They also look very similar and can be hard to tell apart.
Pros and Cons of a Tiny Home
Depending on the size of your family, or the future size you would like it to be can play a major factor in if a tiny home will work for you or not. If you have 3-4 kids it might not be the most ideal for your family, though if it's just 1-3 people it is very easy to make work.
All About Cement Tiles
When you hear cement you don't think of pretty but these tiles are gorgeous! Cement tiles are crafted from natural materials so not only are they extremely durable, but they are also eco-friendly.
Home Design for 2019
70's furniture...yeah you read that right. These days old seems to be the new 'new' when it comes to furniture and decorating your home.
How to get your house ‘Show Home’ ready!
For most people moving is a big deal and getting your house ready for the market can be extremely overwhelming. Here are some tips and tricks to hopefully make the process easier.
Trending for 2019!
A peek inside at what trends we can expect to see in 2019! Bathrooms, flooring and more.
2018 Bathroom Trends
As most of us know, the bathroom can be one of the most expensive rooms to renovate, or update. Here’s a look at the top trends, that are still going strong.
Featuring Different Tile Series
Featuring different tile series from four of our suppliers. Check out the latest in new tiles available.
Medallions in Your Home
These popular tiles can be applied on any surface, including on the kitchen floor, an entry way or even on a wall or hallway.